Careers Programme
Our careers framework is linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks, CDI and PSHE frameworks. All students from Year 9 through to Year 13 are exposed to the many aspects of careers work undertaken here at Gable Hall and includes a Year 9-13 tutor programme as well as assemblies which include aspects of careers, enterprise and employability, national awareness days and themed weeks including national careers and apprenticeships week.
The aims of our careers education, information, advice and guidance include:
- to raise students’ aspirations and to broaden their horizons.
- to inspire and to empower students to make informed realistic decisions at key transition points in learning and work.
- to provide good quality independent and impartial careers advice to students which inspire them and motivates them to fulfil their potential.
- to provide advice and guidance which is in the best interests of the student.
- to provide opportunities to work in partnership with employers,training providers, local colleges and others to provide opportunities to inspire students through real-life contact with the world of work.
- to develop enterprise and employability skills including skills for self-employment.
- to support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity.
By the end of Key Stage 3, all students will have:
- A better understanding of the full range of 14-19 opportunities for progression.
- A better understanding of their strengths and areas for development, and support to evaluate how these might inform future choices in learning and work.
- An understanding of some of the qualities, attitudes and skills needed for employability.
- Used online careers resources to research information about opportunities and apply their findings to help to make informed choices for Key Stage 4 Options.
- Received appropriate advice and guidance on Key Stage 4 options, and prepared an individual learning plan that sets broad learning goals for the 14-19 phase.
Year 9 - In order to achieve the above outcomes, all students will follow a programme of careers activities as follows:
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term |
Full information about the Year 9 GCSE options process, including a timeline of events can be found in the Year 9 Options Booklet available here.
Year 10 - In order to achieve the above outcomes, all students will follow a programme of careers activities as follows:
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Year 11 - In order to achieve the above outcomes, all students will follow a programme of careers activities as follows:
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term |
Assembly - Kudos reminder, student entitlement, overview of careers programme and opportunities to develop skills PSHE Programme – a seven-week programme in autumn term 1
How does Gable Hall evaluate the effectiveness of it's careers programme?
Alongside the careers education programme set out in the above pages, students are also exposed to careers learning through their subject curriculum.
Each year the activities can vary depending on new schemes and initiatives which are introduced.
Gable Hall measures and assesses the impact of its careers programme through student surveys and focus groups, using destination data and by using the COMPASS tool each term to reflect on progress towards the Gatsby benchmarks. We provide parents opportunity to feedback on the programme and obtain employer feedback after all employer engagement activities. We also work closely with our Thurrock adviser to gauge the strengths of the careers programme against other schools in the borough and beyond.
Destinations data is used as an indicator of the long term impact of the careers provision at Gable Hall School. We are proud that our school has significantly reduced the number of NEET students over the past five years and ensured that the vast majority of students achieve a place on the route most suited for them.
Each careers event is evaluated, with students ranking the usefulness of the event on their future career decisions.
We use best practice in completing regular self-evaluation of our provision. At present, Gable Hall is on track to be national average in its progress across all eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
Our careers programme is reviewed yearly and a new team progress plan and timetable is produced at the start of each academic year.
How can you support careers at Gable Hall?
There are a number of ways in which you or your company can support current students in developing their careers knowledge and understanding:
- Deliver a talk to our current students about your profession and company.
- Take part in a workshop, helping students with employability skills.
- Attend our careers fair to showcase your company.
Further information can be found here. Following completion of this form a member of the careers team will contact you with additional information.