Celebrating Diversity

At Gable Hall we believe that celebrating our differences, as well as our common interests, helps unite and educate us. Throughout the year we celebrate and raise awareness of a variety of Key Themes / Events that are taking place within our community and wider world. 

Gable Hall School Culture Day 2024  - The 2024 Culture Day at Gable Hall School was a resounding success. Students, teachers, and parents came together to celebrate their heritage. The event was a vibrant display of colour, joy, and culinary delights. Students had the opportunity to learn about various ancient kingdoms and empires, including the Maya Empire of South America, the Benin Empire of Africa, the Khmer Empire of South Asia, and the British Empire. Music from different cultures further enriched the atmosphere.

It was heartening to see students proudly dressed in the colours of their heritage, with many displaying their national flags. The diverse array of foods available for sampling was a highlight, with Jollof rice emerging as a particular favourite.

As the event concluded, students expressed their gratitude for being part of such a memorable experience and eagerly anticipated next year's Culture Day.


Key themes / topics celebrated this year include:


Action Plan 2023-2024:

Term 1: September to October

  • Cultural Exchange Day: Students can share their cultural backgrounds through presentations and displays.
  • Diverse Reading Challenge: Library activities focusing on diverse literature available in the LRC – Facebook posts etc.
  • Guest Speaker Series: Invite a speaker from a diverse background to address students in an assembly.

Term 2: November to December

  • International Food Festival: Students can bring and share dishes from their cultures.
  • Diversity Art Exhibition Showcase artwork that represents different cultures in the foyer -  Including the Art department and English to display poetry.
  • Diversity in Music - A music-themed event featuring performances from various cultural backgrounds at lunch or break times in the canteen / Main Reception area. 

Term 3: January to February

  • Inclusive Sports Day: Promote diverse sports and physical activities.
  • Cultural Awareness Workshops: Classroom workshops on understanding different cultures.
  • Diversity Career Fair: Invite professionals from various fields to speak to students.

Term 4: March to April

  • Celebrating Women's History:  Events and discussions focused on influential women from diverse backgrounds.
  • Multilingual Poetry Slam: Students recite poems in different languages.
  • Storytelling Sessions - Invite storytellers from diverse backgrounds to share their stories.

Term 5: May to June

  • Cultural Fashion Show - Students can showcase traditional attire in the Theatre / catwalk show style.
  • Community Outreach - Encourage students to participate in community service / local organisations in Thurrock and Corringham etc. 

Inspirational Wall of Quotes:


Key Stage 3

  • CARTS - Curriculum resources cover a wide range of diverse cultures and lifestyles.
  • SOW look at immigration and its impact in local community.
  • English – chosen texts, stimuli and resources are more diversified. 

Key Stage 4

  • CARTS – Theatre practitioners, choreographers, composers and artists that are studied are from a more diverse background in order to appeal to our students.
  • Geography - Topical studies are specifically selected to enable students to understand, appreciate and respect differences in the world and its people, celebrating diversity of culture and promoting equality.

Key stage 5

  • HSC - Inviting OAPs into the school for entertainment and refreshments.
  • CARTS - Pride festival in June 2022 

All Year Groups

  • Food – Multicultural food projects throughout the year. Inviting guest cooks and parents to teach new techniques and cultural food.
  • Assemblies and form activities celebrating diversity.
  • School focus Months: EG, Black History and Pride.
  • Whole school Remembrance Day
  • CARTS - Performing at OAP homes and hospices.
  • Trips to look at new cultural styles, performers and creators.
  • Fundraising for Thurrock Foodbank.
  • Equality Club.
  • Diversity Gold Award.
  • Cultural Performance and food night Foreign Film Club 

We believe that:

  • Knowledge is the key to tolerance.
  • To gain a new perspective on the lives of others around you as well as around the world.
  • To understand other’s perspectives, to broaden our own, and to fully experience and educate ourselves.
  • People all around need to understand and learn to appreciate other cultures, and this is one way to accomplish that.
  • Through each other’s diversity, we become more aware of our own. Not only do we become more aware, we gain a sense of pride for the diversity of our own culture.
  • Understanding people and their backgrounds is crucial to personal and community growth.
  • In order to realise what varied cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles people lead outside the somewhat heterogeneous bubble of Boone. In order to relate and understand those with different social, economic, and educational backgrounds.
  • To help us all spend some time together — we understand and appreciate each other’s cultures so much more!


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